emerging country 意味

発音を聞く:   emerging countryの例文
  • 新興国


  1. this alliance attracted considerable attention worldwide because england , the greatest empire on earth at the time and had previously adhered to the principle of ' splendid isolation ,' entered into an alliance for the very first time and also because the other party in question was japan , an emerging country in asia .


        emerging:    {形} : 新生{しんせい}の、新たに生起{せいき}する、新興{しんこう}の
        clearly emerging as:    《be ~》~として明らかに頭角{とうかく}を現しつつある
        emerging business:    新興{しんこう}ビジネス
        emerging company:    新興企業{しんこう きぎょう}
        emerging economies:    新興経済国{しんこう けいざい こく}◆中国、インドなど
        emerging industry:    先端産業
        emerging leaf:    新生{しんせい}の葉
        emerging market:    新興成長市場{しんこう せいちょう しじょう}
        emerging nation:    emerging nation 開発途上国 かいはつとじょうこく
        emerging nations:    新興国家◆【同】third world nations ; developing countries
        emerging plant:    抽水植物{ちゅうすい しょくぶつ}
        emerging situation in:    ~で明らかになりつつある事態{じたい}
        emerging sporophore:    新生{しんせい}の担胞子体{たん ほうしたい}
        emerging stars:    現れてくる星
        emerging talent:    新しい才能{さいのう}


  1. "emerging" 意味
  2. "emerging business" 意味
  3. "emerging class of workers" 意味
  4. "emerging company" 意味
  5. "emerging concept in development assistance" 意味
  6. "emerging economic force" 意味
  7. "emerging economic giant" 意味
  8. "emerging economic power" 意味
  9. "emerging economies" 意味
  10. "emerging company" 意味
  11. "emerging concept in development assistance" 意味
  12. "emerging economic force" 意味
  13. "emerging economic giant" 意味

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